Friday, April 03, 2009

Cupcakes for a bake sale...

The kids are having a bake sale at school... They are on a university campus so they will be selling them in the student union during lunch. I have 2 kids in 2/3 which is the group doing the sale so today was my first day and my next one is on a few weeks away. I made 2 dozen lemonade cupcakes (basically replace half the liquid in a white cake with frozen lemonade concentrate and add a couple drops of yellow to the batter). And I think the next ones will be spiced chai... Don't you just love cupcakes?

I am also working on the kid's presentations on folktales. I am doing Goha, so I need two different stories (one per kid). I know I'm doing the one about the nail... Do any of you know another good one? I have some books coming from Amazon, but any thoughts would help!


Yasemin said...

I wish I had some good ideas, but I honestly don't sister. The cupcakes look great, I like the lemon so that everyone knows there's lemonade inside. You are really wonderful at cooking! Love you lots.

MuslimHippie said...

I recently discovered your blog and I'm in love:) I am an Egyptian married to an American convert( switch-a-roo)Living in the Midwest( Chicago/IL).
You truely inspire me!

UmmLayla said...

Lisa, Thanks!!!

Muslim Hippie, aw shucks that's sweet!!! Glad to have you.

Anonymous said...

My dad just told us this one the other day...

One time goha lost his donkey and he was walking around looking for it. He saw two lovers walking and he heard the guy tell his sweatheart that he sees the world in her eyes. Then he walks up and asks the guy if he can see his donkey in there anywhere.

Of course it's much funnier in arabic, but still funny in english too.


PerplxinTexan♥ said...

Doe sit have to be a folktale I love Aesops but, those are technically fables.

Freda Shamma said...

Assalamu alaikum. I love Goha stories and have lots and lots of them. But for you, have you seen "Ayat Jamilah: Beautiful Signs: An Anthology of Islamic Wisdom for children and adults" by Sarah Conover and Freda Crane (that's me!). There are 5 of his stories in there - from 5 different countries, including China.