If you follow me on Twitter or friend me on facebook you already know that my current obsession is Nanowrimo. I have started outlining my plot and am chomping at the bit to get writing.
The daycare is coming along and in prep for going back to work I am trying to get the house under control. I said trying, not succeeding. One of my brainstorms was to have the kids each have only one dish (a big shallow bowl) and they are to was it and eat out of it all day. I got the dishes and wrote names on the sides and showed the kids to wash them. Only to find my sink clogged with cereal since the 6yo forgot the throw your food in the trash can part. So much for saving time in the kitchen!LOL Seriously, I think once they get used to it it will be helpful.
I am also researching Waldorf schools and was happy to find someone running a preschool in Boulder that I can visit sometime, insha'Allah. I also think I will enroll in a national program for Waldorf educators that I found. It takes about a year, and I think it would be worth it.
We are down to the final things in the daycare, and my yard is my current project. We have a cedar play-set and I am looking into using landscaping elements to make a "natural" playground. Hype and craziness aside... It's a cool idea. I like the way you can use hills and tree stumps to make play areas, and I think the simple natural look is what I need with the Waldorf inspired curriculum. I am looking into having rabbit hutches in the yard too. I would love to have chickens, but apparently birds in general carry disease and are to be nowhere in the vicinity. I hope to work around that, but for now bunnies are fine.
Other than that???? Well the usual. I have thoughts, I'd love to talk about Mubarak and setting up his son for the presidency (if you can call it that still)... I am fighting a 3 million dollar daycare being built by a local millionaire with state money (like he couldn't pay for it himself)... And of course I am struggling to keep my sanity with 4 kids (5 if you include my DH).
So I hope to see some of you out there doing nanowrimo. If you are my name is ummlayla, make me your writing buddy!
I am on FB too, lots of bloggers are on there...
I have thought about doing NaNoWriMo for awhile, but haven't gotten up the courage...
Our complex has a small hill in the lawn that all the kids love. It doesn't stop them from playing any other games around it. It's the best thing they put in.
I think a huge tree trunk/driftwood piece would be fun for kids to climb on too.
First time I heard of NaNoWriMo! I looked it up and it seems very interesting! I signed up but I'm sure I will not be able to do it. I suck at fiction. I'd like to write non-fiction but that doesn't really qualify and I want to be within the rules of the challenge... So I'm thinking about waht I might do...
I added you as my buddy though!
assalamualaikum, iam novi from indonesian. look my blog akyunovi.blogspot.com for wooden hijab pin. cute funny accesories for you and your children. thank you
Allah Akbar
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