I am taking the novel in a month challenge... And I am looking for partners in crime and/or people to keep me honest about it. The same guy who does NaNoWriMo now has a book and I will be making August my month, insha'Allah.
This is an effort to get back to me. I am at my best when creating, and I have to get myself committed to it so I don't keep just saying tomorrow, tomorrow... I know with all that I have going right now taking on another thing seems slightly insane, but I think that since this a me thing it will actually be good for me. Not to mention that doing this will give me a great sense of accomplishment, insha'Allah.
So, come on!!! If you have thought about doing it, lets make it a little Muslim Bloggers novel in a month thing. And of course if you are interested in helping keep me honest I will give you my e-mail and you can harass me about my word count at will during the entire month of August;) Of course I may need
how's it going there, Novelist???
SubhanaAllah, and I though I was the only one who thought about one day writing a novel.... What will you be writing about? My life has been (and still is) best-seller-material, still, I don´t know if I have the guts to put it all on paper... GOOD LUCK!!!! and InshaAllah, look forward to reading some!!! Ma'Assalaama!!
i can't write sustained works. my mind wanders. a couple of pages is all i can manage:) best of luck with your efforts...
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