Thursday, July 24, 2008

Women's work?

Why is it that everything distasteful and difficult ends up as women's work??? Sure the men may come and lug the heavy boxes to storage, but who packs them? The men pay for the grocery's, but who is in charge of every other aspect of food service in the house? They buy the clothes and we wash them, but them away, mend them... And of course whose fault is it when the house in in disarray??? Well, it isn't the husband. Ugh. I think it's hard to say which is worse, working or keeping up with the house. I have my days where I am ready to trade my apron for a business suit... And yet I know that working sisters have it even worse, they have only added to their responsibilities.

I have decided that I have to clear my life of all the things that I have been putting off. Moving the things in our old house to storage... Cleaning it and getting all the repairs done and over with so hopefully it will sell. Also, admitting the fact that I will never re-open my store and moving out of it. And closing any accounts that are associated with it... As I am writing that sounds simple and easy. But it is not. I know I have a miserable week of fighting with DH ahead of me. I know he will say, "Why didn't you do this sooner?" and "Don't throw that away!!!" and the dreaded, "I need this at the house!" As if my tiny apartment isn't already bursting at the seams.

It is an arduous task... But one that no one else will do... Trust me I have been trying for a year to hire for it, convince DH to do it... No luck. It's all me... So here I go. I wish I could say the end is in site, but I know that all this will only deliver me to starting construction on our new property:P


Kris said...

I hear ya with all the work. I have decided I can't work outside because of all the stuff that is expected with cooking and the child. Its just not fair if I was working a full time outside job. Just remember that we get lots of hasanet for everything we do, I have a hard time remembering that sometimes.

Yosra said...


Mashahallah that you are still blogging and WITH STYLE! I love your voice, and always have.

Keep working at what really matters !

Anonymous said...

I have done both and I agree with you that Sisters who work outside of the home have it just as bad and at times worse. Problem is when you do work outside of the home you still have to do the home responsibilities. Nothing changes you just add more to your already full plate.

Instead I have accepted my place at home and make the best out of the "job" I already have caring for our children and my husband. I think life goes easier when I accept it and live with it rather then fight against it constantly wonder what life would be in a different situation.

Hang in there. we all have our down times.

umelbanat said...

I work outside the home...full time...
& you have it right sister's insane...
I wouldn't have it any other way though....
It's more responsibility but I guess I treat my work as my creative outlet...& hope I'm sitting example to my 2 little girls...a good one hopefully...
just my 2 cents
Jazaky Allah khayran