Friends, I have a request. I am way out of the loop here in cowboy country. So if you hear of an Islamic convention, a learning oppertunity, a great book... Please pass it on. I am thirsting for Islam. No really. I am just parched. So give a sister a cool drink, huh?

Have you thought about taking a Sunnipath course? I took their "Supplications of the Daily Prayer" short course over Ramadan and woh, it was intense.
I was going to recommend the sunnipath online courses, too. i think they're in the middle of sessions ATM, but new courses start again in feb, which is really only a month away. gives you time to read up on what's on offer and choose what you like. And also save the money if need be! In terms of books, have you read Khaled Abou El Fadl's 'Conference of the Books'? Or J. Lynn Jones' 'Believeing as Ourselves'? Both are a bit controversial (esp KAEF!) but I think you might really enjoy them. Not cos I think YOU are controversial, per se, but becuase I think you'll get where they're coming from and be able to sort out what to take and what to leave for yourself. I really enjoyed them both. And you could probably get them supercheap second hand on Amazon. Also, Hamza Yusuf's 'Agenda for changing our condition' is a great one
Asalaam Alaikum,
I have enjoyed all of Khaled Abou El Fadl's books I have read. ALso I enjoyed Resa Aslan's No god but God. IF you ahve the money sunnipath is nice but it isn't cheap.
Insha'Allah these suggestions help. I will also be checking in to see what otehr people post as I am always looking for a good new book to read! So thanks for posting this, lol.
May Allah bless you and give you the faith you are striving for,
Sunnipath is a thought... I was just thinking of speding the $ for Rosetta Stone soon, so I am hesitant to do the sunni path thing at the same time. I mean how much comp learning can you do in a day? But I took one course before and I liked it... So maybe it's the best bet right now. Hmmmmm. More thought required for sure.
Aeryn, how long since you made shahada? they do have a few free courses for new Muslims (like converted within a year new I think).
It is totally worth signing up for the Arabic Class 1. I loved it. I have tried other things, other books, courses, and I didn't learn that well and that much like I did with that course. You do need to keep yourself encouraged because it is an online course.
something a little on the cheaper side are the Zaytuna distance learning programs. They're not as indepth/classroom-y as sunnipath, but a friend of mine took a few last semester and loved them.
I'm thinking of taking Disciplining the Soul this coming semester, inshaAllah.
I checked back here to see what people recommended, since I've been in a slump too. I actually read your blog to feel like there are other positive, mellow muslims out there. The book earlier recommended: believing in Ourselves, was a good read, and honest. I think it happens to all of us, so inshallah when our kids our bigger and we have time we can help others get through, without alienating them. My husband comes home angry or depressed from jummah these days.Sighhhhh. I stayed home and listened to the Naqshbandi Eid Khutbah online(i'm not sufi, just needed to hear a new perspective)and I has HAPPY--it was a nice positive message for a change. If you need a kick in the bum you can listen to Imam luqman Ahmad (google him), he is the imam who married us, he grew up in the united states, and knows what goes on with converts. I wish nap time wasn't at jummah time or I'd make my husband drive us to his masjid.
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