Please keep me in your dua. Our daycare project goes before city council AGAIN today. Insha'Allah, it will go well and we can move on with the the actual construction. We have been busting our butts getting a petition signed and talking to different people about it, so we've done what we can in regards to showing that people support this. It's with Allah(swt) now and we are ready for whatever he has planned for us.
Update: Back from city council... We got it! ALHAMDULILAH!
Alhamdulillah! Please keep us informed on the progress as you move forward in your endevour :)
MashAllah, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Do you have detailed plans? (duh! of course you do!) I mean, how many children will attend the school, how will your curriculum look like? Is it a Muslim school, interfaith? Question after question! Good luck!
Umm Nassim
Alhumdulillah!!!!!!!!!!! Alf Mabrook!!!!!!!! Allah be with you!!!!!I'm so excited for you guys!
Ummhana, you bet I will!LOL
UmmNassim, well... There aren't even enough Muslim children in the community to count on more than one hand, so secular school for sure. And we are planning on around 80 kids, insha'Allah. I hope to use an approach generally called Waldorf style (nature, fairy tales from around the world, observing the 4 seasons, gardening, caring for animals, all those crunchy good ideas!LOL).
Molly, thanks girl!
Mabroook! That's great!
OOH! I have heard of waldorf schools, my friend babysits for some kids who attend one. She tells me they do some really cool stuff. I'd love to find one of those kinds of schools thats a Muslim school too. That would be awesome. InshAllah someday. I wish you well!!!!! Allah be with you!
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
AlhumduliLlah, I am so happy to hear the news.
Congratulations. I pray Allah makes it is for you, and grants you barakah in your endeavours.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
Mabrouk UmmLayla :) May Allah make it a successful project inshaAllah. so exciting. What's the difference between Montessori and Waldorf, do you know? Hakima Karima Burns has Waldorf resources for all months of the year as Yahoo Groups. You can get the links from her main page: http://HERBnITES.tripod.com/islamicwaldorfschoolonline/
Alhamdulilah! Big congrats to you Sister! Insha'Allah things will move along smoothly now. Very nice.
May Allah bless you and your family,
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