So yesterday was a Monday around here... I went out to take the kids to school and fell on the ice. I do that every year at least once, and this was a big one because I was carrying the baby and I kinda held her in front of me so she wouldn't get hurt and her weight landed on top of me as well as mine. Alhamdulilah, winter is coming to a close.
Then, I delivered duplicates of bills that have not been paid yet to a big chain store here in town only to find out that they have gone to corporate billing and no one knows what the heck is happening with our money (which I really NEED right now). The kicker is that we can't stop delivering to them because the people who supply our papers would freak out about that.
So I got the truck to go pick up a development sign from the city... Only to find it frozen solid into the ground still in spite of warmer weather this past week or so. Then I go to get back into the truck only to find that it is locked. I must have hit the button getting out or something... But here was my 20 month old sitting in the running truck and the doors locked. Alhamdulilah, I had my phone... So I called a towing company that unlocked it for no charge to me. Masha'Allah, there are still some people out there who feel that a mother with a screaming toddler locked in the car is not a chance to collect $50.
In the afternoon, DH had a Drs appointment for a knee problem that he has been having. And they want to do a surgery on it. :P
Then all 6 of us are in line at Wal-Mart with two carts full of stuff and I go to pay only to realise that I have no cards... DH proceeds to get very upset that I came all the way to Wal-Mart without my cards. So I run back to the house thinking I will grab his cards and I find mine. Apparently, DH has taken the cards that I need from my wallet and has them in his car... Why??? Well, his cards from the same accounts are not working. I can only assume that he remembered that because when I showed up with the cards he was sitting at Subway with the kids eating dinner and he had even remembered the South Beach thing and gotten me a salad and a diet coke. LOL It was enough of a sorry for me... But I was a little flustered by the whole thing.
Yes dears... It was a Monday. Let's hope that Tuesday is a little more tame!LOL
ugh. I hate days like that. InshAllah today is better.
I agree with Molly look foward to The next day....
:) sorry to hear about ur day. but bless your dh masha'allah..
yikes, I hope you're ok from the fall . Locking the baby in the car must have been quite an ordeal, I know I'd be freaaaking OUT. Now I have "manic monday" in my head:)
Well, today and Tuesday have been better, alhamdulilah. I guess you have to have a day like that every once in a while to remind you that we should be thankful for the little things that go right most of the time.
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