I went shopping at Sephoria in Denver and found some gems from a company called
Benefit Cosmetics. I have combination skin (don't we all) going more towards oily... I still use Clinique soap, but the rest of my beauty regime has changed to the following:

This is a "lifting cream" which actually does manage to give the face a little firmness. I have been using this night and morning and I LOVE it. You see it officially hit me that I am thirty-something and need to start considering this stuff!LOL

Along the same lines as the firming cream, this one does wonders for the under eye area. Circles and lines gone. I use it day and night and for once in my life I have found an eye cream that doesn't leave me looking like I have seasonal allergies (aka watering red eyes).

Very cool salicylic acid blemish cream. It works... Does it need more of an endorsement?

The final gem, a tinted moisturizer with an spf 15. I have used the clinique version (city block) in the past but it always felt a little greasy. This one is working great for me so far.
I've never been inside a Sephora but I used to buy stuff on Sephora.com and they are great. I love lotions and potions. I love Clinique soap too, the astringent is ok for oily skin like mine but too harsh for most I think, the Def.Diff. cream is too heavy for me..its like crisco.
Crisco,LOL. I know what you are saying. I guess that is what I like about this new stuff. It's not so heavy. Since when did having a few lines only happen to women with really dry skin? It's cool to find a "aging" cream that doesn't double as an overnight moisturizing cream!LOL
Asalaam Alaikum Sister,
I tagged you for a meme, Islam Inspires. Rules, etc are posted on my blog.
Have fun!
Never try Creme de la Mer Mona it really is like Crisco! Bleehh.
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